Home: I live and work over in Gettysburg where I teach high school Government/Economics along with US history to 10th-12th grade students. My wife and I both originate from Philadelphia and moved to Adams county about three years ago.
How long you've been volunteering for the museum and in what capacity: For the past few years, I have been working to complete a graduate degree from Shippensburg University in Applied History. In short, the degree is basically trying to connect academic history to the community. This is most often accomplished with the use of museums or historical societies. The degree has students work and intern with a vast array of historical museums, hence my internship here with you all which I have been volunteering for about four weeks now. I am so happy to be working here as part of my program and would love to continue to volunteer afterward.
Favorite place to hike in PA: My wife and I love to be outside and we really appreciate living so close to the AT for some weekend hikes. I would say my favorite hikes are usually battlefields/or historical trails (what can I say, I’m a history teacher in Gettysburg) although if you are looking for more of a trail hike, I have always enjoyed going to “The Pinnacle” close to Hawk Mountain.
Favorite place to hike outside of PA: As for outside of PA, I also really enjoy Maryland Heights in Harpers Ferry or Acadia way up in Maine.
A fun fact or other information that you're interested in sharing with the group: I sadly am not a “thru-hiker” however, working here has certainly been stirring the urges. I have loved hearing all the stories at the front desk and helping wherever is needed. I want to give a sincere, Thank you, to all those I have met and who have helped me learn the ropes here at the AT Museum. It has truly been a pleasure to learn and work beside each of you.