During 2016, the Museum set records in the number of visitors (over 10,000), total donations and total sales at the gift shop. The Childrens section of the Museum was opened in the basement on June 4, National Trails Day. Significant work was accomplished on the second and third floors of the Museum, which are expected to be open soon. The long awaited handicap accessible ramp to the second floor has been completed. This will become the main entrance to the Museum when the second floor is open.

Many volunteers were honored at the Supper. Jack Adams received special recognition for leading the construction of the ramp.

Ed Riggs received the prestigious Volunteer Of The Year award, in recognition for this countless hours of work for the Museum.
| The highlight of the Supper was the recognition of Museum Manager Joe Harold. Joe is leaving after a very successful term as Manager, to begin a thru-hike of the A.T. with his wife Lisa next spring. Joe received several gifts in recognition of his work from Larry Luxenberg, Museum founder and President, including a hammock and memorabilia from his beloved Pittsburgh Steelers. Joe formally turned over the reins to the Museum's new manager, Nathaniel "Nate" Shank. Nate, a 2012 A.T. thru-hiker whose trail name is "Angry Bird", is looking forward to becoming the fourth Museum Manager. The two previous Managers, Margy Schmidt and Howard Davis, were at the Supper to wish Joe Godspeed on his hike and welcome Nate. The Appalachian Trail Museum will reopen for the 2017 season next spring. Use THIS LINK to follow the A.T. adventure of Joe ("EarthTone") and Lisa ("LoGear"). |