The induction ceremony will be a free event, but registration will be required due to limited space. To register, send an email to [email protected] The induction ceremony will be one of a full schedule of events taking place during the Hall of Fame weekend.
Hawk thru-hiked the A.T. in 1993 (Hawk-Who-Walks GA—>ME) and has hiked many other sections of the A.T. since. He has thru-hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, the John Muir Trail twice, and has section hiked the Long Trail in Vermont.
As previously announced, the 2022 Hall of Fame class honorees are the late Jim & Molly Denton of Front Royal, Virginia; JoAnn & Paul Dolan of New York, New York; Laurie Potteiger of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia; and Tom Speaks of Cleveland, Tennessee. More information on the 2022 class can be found HERE.